Hip Hopper Vagabondi in Tirana

„Bijelo Dugme Got My Mum Arrested“

Vagabondi is one of Albania’s most popular singers today. In order to become an artist he risked his life, and got his family arrested in the process. His story is a throwback to Albania’s dark times – and Yugoslavia’s most popular band.

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Beograd, Džordža Vašingtona, June 2022

Serbia’s already radicalized far right seems to be spinning out of control. Graffitis featuring pictures or the name of Ratko Mladić are being sprayed on walls on an unprecedented scale. Most people seem to shrug off this open reverence for the butcher of Srebrenica.

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„No Room for the Left in Serbia“

The upcoming general elections in Serbia on April 3 do not seem to pose a threat for the regime of President Aleksandar Vučić. Even with a green-liberal opposition alliance born out of ecological protests, there is no credible challenge to the liberal-conservative business friendly politics that have dominated Serbia for decades. As Nationalism reaches ever uglier heights in the election campaign, the absence of a credible Left in Serbia becomes ever more transparent. Balkan Stories has asked the political sociologist Jovo Bakić why that is the case.

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Identity Politics A Genocide Later

Many members of Croatia’s Serb minority feel they are put under pressure to deny what they see as their ethnic and religious identity in the country’s current census. A hitherto unkown group appeals for people to declare themselves to be members of a „Croatian-Orthodox Church“. This brings back memories of WW II, when Croatian Fascists slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Serbs in Europe’s probably cruellest genocide to date.

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A Belgradian in Sarajevo

Writer and playwright Filip Grujić from Beograd just spent a month in Sarajevo as part of a residency program for young writers from the Western Balkans region. He tells Balkan Stories how he has experienced his stay in Bosnia’s capital, what Sarajevo, Beograd and his native city Novi Sad have in common – or not – and what real challenges the young generation in former Yugoslavia faces.


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Zoe’s Drum

This year, Belgrade’s cultural spring will be ushered it with a powerful show one day after International Women’s Day. One of Serbia’s more prolific and certainly most courageous artists invites the public to explore her articstic record so far – and to participate in a struggle for dignity.

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People Have Had It

The rape of a 16 year old girl has shocked the people in Kosovo. On Thursday, people took to the streets to express their outrage. And like in Bosnia, it seems to be about a lot more than „just“ a horrendous crime. Too many, this case shows how the authorities in their country are failing them.

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How Yugoslavia Was Buried Last Night. And Why It Still Lives.

In terms of sports, Yugoslavia won big last night at the World Cup match Serbia – Switzerland. In terms of culture and politics, it was buried. Strangely enough, Xherdan Shaqiri, one of last night’s undertakers could be the one to resurrect it. He may want to have a serious conversation with his mother first, though.

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Why People From Sandžak Aren’t Really Bosnjaks

Muslims from Sandžak like to think of themselves as Bosnians and particularly as Bosnjaks. While there is a point to that, Balkan Stories has documented irrefutable evidence that proves: There is no way they are Bosnian.

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It’s About Dignity, Stupid

US-President Donald Trump has called several developping countries „shitholes“.  With his comment, the US’s Ambassador in Chief not only violated every diplomatic protocol conceivable. He grossly violated the dignity of the people living in the countries he called „shitholes“. We should all speak up against these remarks.

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