Hip Hopper Vagabondi in Tirana

„Bijelo Dugme Got My Mum Arrested“

Vagabondi is one of Albania’s most popular singers today. In order to become an artist he risked his life, and got his family arrested in the process. His story is a throwback to Albania’s dark times – and Yugoslavia’s most popular band.

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Worshipping Suffering and Malice

On the Balkans, Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, is being worshipped in a bizarre manner and to a grotesque extent. To the wider public the late nun is better known by her stage name Mother Teresa. In worshipping her, even her most devout fans can not hide her dark side.

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Skenderbeg Square, Tirana (c) Andreas Lehner at flickr.com. Obtained Skenderbeg Statue, Tirana (c) Andreas Lehner at flickr.com. Obtained under CC License CC BY 2.0

Balkan Insight Goes Tabloid

Balkan Insight, the main outlet of Balkan Investigative Research Network, seems to have gone over to the tabloid side of media. Their piece on the upcoming wedding of the wannabe heir to the Albanian throne is cheap royalist propaganda mixed with a bit of glamour.

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Der Balkan bleibt unbekannt

Beim Balkan überwiegt bei einem großen Teil der Bevölkerung das Bedürfnis, Klischees zu reproduzieren, gegenüber der Neugier. Das zeigt auch ein Vortrag des Journalisten und Buchautors Nedad Memić in der Volkshochschule Urania, auf den ihn Balkan Stories Blog begleitet hat.

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