It’s About Dignity, Stupid

US-President Donald Trump has called several developping countries „shitholes“.  With his comment, the US’s Ambassador in Chief not only violated every diplomatic protocol conceivable. He grossly violated the dignity of the people living in the countries he called „shitholes“. We should all speak up against these remarks.

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Skenderbeg Square, Tirana (c) Andreas Lehner at Obtained Skenderbeg Statue, Tirana (c) Andreas Lehner at Obtained under CC License CC BY 2.0

Balkan Insight Goes Tabloid

Balkan Insight, the main outlet of Balkan Investigative Research Network, seems to have gone over to the tabloid side of media. Their piece on the upcoming wedding of the wannabe heir to the Albanian throne is cheap royalist propaganda mixed with a bit of glamour.

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Radovan ‪Karadžić and Ratko Mladić, who is also indicted for war crimes and genocide, during the Yugoslav war. Photo: AP, obtained at by The Advocacy Project under CC license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

A Just Verdict, A Botched Sentence

The International Criminal Tribune for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has found the former President of Republika Srpska, Radovan ‪Karadžić, guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide for his role in the civil war in Bosnia in the 90’s. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. A sentence that leaves much to be desired.

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