Identity Politics A Genocide Later

Many members of Croatia’s Serb minority feel they are put under pressure to deny what they see as their ethnic and religious identity in the country’s current census. A hitherto unkown group appeals for people to declare themselves to be members of a „Croatian-Orthodox Church“. This brings back memories of WW II, when Croatian Fascists slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Serbs in Europe’s probably cruellest genocide to date.

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Radovan ‪Karadžić and Ratko Mladić, who is also indicted for war crimes and genocide, during the Yugoslav war. Photo: AP, obtained at by The Advocacy Project under CC license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Justice, After All

The Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (MICT) has set right the injustice its predecessor, the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) created with its original verdict against Radovan Karadžić. Upholding the verdict of Guilty, it extended the sentence against the former President of Republika Srpska in Bosnia to Life in Prison.

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„Ajde u pičku materinu“

Jahrzehnte nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg tun sich viele Kroaten schwer, den Völkermord an Serben, Juden und Roma durch die Ustaša zu akzeptieren. Nationalisten leugnen den Genozid offen. In einem Ausmaß, das für deutsche oder österreichische Verhältnisse unvorstellbar wäre. Ein drastisches Beispiel dieser Genozid-Leugnung hat Balkan Stories via e-mail erreicht.

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„Es gäbe noch sehr viel nachzuholen“

Der Duden hat seine umstrittene, revisionistische, Definition der kroatischen Ustaša in seinem Online-Wörterbuch nach einem Bericht auf Balkan Stories korrigiert. Das ist auch ein Verdienst vieler Menschen, die aufgrund des Berichts und einer Online-Petition den Verlag auf die falsche Definition aufmerksam gemacht haben. Einer, dessen Wort besonders viel Gewicht gehaben haben dürfte, ist der serbischstämmige deutsche Zeithistoriker Dario Vidojković.

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Duden interpretiert Ustaša als Widerstandsbewegung

Dem Duden steht ein größerer Eklat ins Haus. In seiner Online-Ausgabe verharmlost er die Ustaša zur Widerstandsbewegung. Ex-Jugoslawen aller Ethnien gehen auf die Barrikaden.

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Radovan ‪Karadžić and Ratko Mladić, who is also indicted for war crimes and genocide, during the Yugoslav war. Photo: AP, obtained at by The Advocacy Project under CC license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

A Just Verdict, A Botched Sentence

The International Criminal Tribune for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has found the former President of Republika Srpska, Radovan ‪Karadžić, guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide for his role in the civil war in Bosnia in the 90’s. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. A sentence that leaves much to be desired.

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The Long Road To Justice

The memories of war still haunt Bosnian society. Far too few responsible for the slaugther of 100.000 Bosnians have been convicted. This week a trial started in an Austrian court of law that may bring closure to at least a few survivors and the families of victims of one the many massacres.

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